Dold Electric S.A.R.L.

6C Route de BERGHEIM
F - 67600 Sélestat

Sécurité électrique - contrôle du courant résiduel et de l'isolation

Solutions for residual current monitoring, insulation monitoring, insulation fault location and for the detection of electrical and physical quantities in earthed as well as unearthed systems

Dold offers you a comprehensive product range in the field of electrical safety of residual current monitors, insulation monitoring devices, insulation fault location systems as well as measuring relays and monitoring relays for unearthed (IT systems) and earthed power systems (TT and TN systems).

The devices detect and report at an early stage when critical limit values of electrical quantities, such as current, voltage, power, insulation resistance, etc., are exceeded. Hazards for man and machine can thus be reliably avoided. Furthermore, the availability of your machines and systems is increased and production downtimes are minimized. The portfolio ranges from standard devices for monitoring individual measured variables (residual current monitors, insulation monitors, etc.) to multifunctional devices and flexible fault indication systems.

Solutions for residual current monitoring, insulation monitoring, insulation fault location and for the detection of electrical and physical quantities in earthed as well as unearthed systems... lire plus »
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Sécurité électrique - contrôle du courant résiduel et de l'isolation

Solutions for residual current monitoring, insulation monitoring, insulation fault location and for the detection of electrical and physical quantities in earthed as well as unearthed systems

Dold offers you a comprehensive product range in the field of electrical safety of residual current monitors, insulation monitoring devices, insulation fault location systems as well as measuring relays and monitoring relays for unearthed (IT systems) and earthed power systems (TT and TN systems).

The devices detect and report at an early stage when critical limit values of electrical quantities, such as current, voltage, power, insulation resistance, etc., are exceeded. Hazards for man and machine can thus be reliably avoided. Furthermore, the availability of your machines and systems is increased and production downtimes are minimized. The portfolio ranges from standard devices for monitoring individual measured variables (residual current monitors, insulation monitors, etc.) to multifunctional devices and flexible fault indication systems.

Electrical safety of unearthed networks (IT systems)

VARIMETER IMD - Insulation Monitoring Device, Insulation Monitor

Insulation monitoring devices of the VARIMETER IMD (Insulation Monitoring Device) series are available for direct current (DC) as well as three-phase, alternating current (AC) and mixed systems (AC/DC) and monitor the insulation resistance in unearthed systems (IT systems). Insulation monitors thus guarantee greater operational and system safety and are used to monitor switched-off loads, mobile power generation, DC charging stations and eMobility.

Insulation monitoring at DC charging stations - standard DIN EN 61851-23

VARIMETER EDS - Insulation fault locator, insulation fault location system

The insulation fault location system of the VARIMETER EDS family locates insulation faults quickly and reliably in complex isolated AC/DC systems (IT systems).An insulation fault location device, also called IFLS (Insulation Fault Location System), enables insulation faults to be located quickly in unearthed power supply systems.

Electrical safety of grounded power systems (TN systems)

VARIMETER RCM - Residual current monitoring, residual current monitors

Residual current monitors of the VARIMETER RCM (Residual Current Monitor) series ensure reliable residual current monitoring of grounded power supplies (TT and TN systems). The residual current monitors are universally applicable, as they are available as standard version for direct current or pulsating direct current (DC) systems, as well as an all-current sensitive version for mixed systems (AD/DC). The differential current measurement is carried out via an external differential current transformer (current transformer).

Periodic inspection according to DGUV regulation 3 (BGV A3)


Electrical safety of measuring relays and monitoring relays

VARIMETER - Measuring relays and monitoring relays

Our measuring and monitoring relays are available in different versions and detect and signal at an early stage when critical limit values of electrical quantities such as current, voltage, power, insulation resistance etc. are exceeded.

Electrical safety of annunciators

INFOMASTER - Fault indicators

Annunciators and annunciator systems enable efficient monitoring and control of machines and systems in industrial and building automation. Especially when using PLC or control system technology, it is essential to install a fault detection system independent of the process level, so that control is not lost in the event of a failure of the plant control system, which could lead to damage.