Dold Electric S.A.R.L.

6C Route de BERGHEIM
F - 67600 Sélestat
LG 5130

Noise filter

LG 5130


  • 0065015
  • LG5130
The MK 5130N and LG 5130 noise filters reliably attenuate high-frequency interference

Description du produit

The MK 5130N and LG 5130 noise filters reliably attenuate high-frequency interference voltages in the mains. Measuring inputs of measuring relays are protected against EMC interference across a wide band. The use of the noise filter can increase system availability, especially in systems in which converters are used.

Caractéristiques techniques

Mono- / triphasé: 3
Largeur utile: 22,5 mm
Tension nominale UN max. sans raccordement PE: 3 AC 1000 V
Tension nominale UN max. avec raccordement PE: 3/N AC 860 / 500 V
Boîtier montage: Switch cabinet
Type: LG 5130


  • Reliable operation of measuring relays and other low consumption loads in systems with high frequency noise
  • Protection of measuring inputs / measuring relays by reduction of noise
  • More precise and constant measuring results
  • Increasing the availability of plants


  • 3-phsase noise filter for measuring relays
  • Noise suppression of wire bound interference
  • Broadband suppression of high frequencies
  • For nominal voltages up to 3 AC 1000 V
  • PE connection for increased suppression level
  • 2 models available:
    MK 5130N: Depth 97 mm
    LG 5130: Depth 121 mm
  • Width: 22.5 mm